organizer: EROR4X4
category: CAR
registration open: false
start date: Sat Nov 30 2024 05:54:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
location: Bytom, Brzezińska 76, EROR4X4
description: 6TH TERRAIN SUV RALLY 30.11.2024. We invite you to the sixth edition of our SUV rally! We have prepared for you several new, beautiful areas, and several surprises, so we also invite regulars, because there will be something to do. Traditionally, you will compete in 3 different classes, collecting classic ink stamps and defeating trial competitions. DETAILS: Location: Bytom ul. Brzezińska 76 - EROR4X4 track Competition office: address will be provided up to 7 days before the event CLASSES IN THE EVENT: 1. SUVIK class - Every SUV, 2x4, 4x4 cars without reduction gear, rubble, - Any lift, - No internal cage, external cage, complete body, - Tires class HT\/AT\/RT\/MT (excluding extreme tires: firs and derivatives and simex) wheel up to 31”, - Electric winch, manual. Vehicle registered with a valid technical inspection and third party liability insurance. 2. TERENÓWKA class -4x4 vehicles with reduction gear, -Any lift, -No internal or external cage, complete bodywork, -HT\/RT\/AT\/MT class tires (excluding fir and derivatives and simex) wheel up to 33”, -Electric winch, manual. -Registered vehicle with valid technical inspection and third party liability insurance. Off-road vehicles with wheels larger than 33’’ or with extreme tires, simex are invited to the zmotka class 3. ZMOTKA – We invite all those to this class, who like challenges! but it is not a class for classic zmot, only for slightly better modified SUVs and off-road vehicles. 4x4 cars with reduction gear, - HT\/RT\/AT\/MT class tires (excluding fir and derivatives) wheel up to 37” (extreme, simex acceptable but wheel up to 32”), - No internal or external cage, complete bodywork, - Radiator in original place, - Vehicle registered with valid technical inspection and third party liability insurance. Each participant, on request, may start in a higher class. TASKS TO COMPLETE: - A maximum time of 6 hours from the start time has been planned for completing all tasks, but no later than 15:30(for those starting after 9:30) - 100 ink stamps, following the received track you look for and earn stamps. The entire crew will need to be involved so as not to miss the more hidden ones;) - Trial trials for everyone - precise driving on a designated route with a time limit, here a skilled and fast pilot will be worth his weight in gold. - Speed test for volunteers- its result will be taken into account in the event of a tie- when the teams achieve the same total score from the stamps obtained and the trial test. SCORING: - No division of stamps in individual classes, one stamp is 1 point; it is the competitor who ultimately decides whether he gets a particular stamp or not(the difficulty level of the stamps will vary from very easy to difficult). After driving on the track assigned to your class, you go to the others and get more stamps there. Only driving efficiently on all the routes gives you a chance to get all the stamps. - For the trial run, each participant will receive a certain number of points, depending on the number of obstacles correctly overcome. - The time from the obtained speed trial will determine the final result in the event, when more than one crew obtains the same result from the obtained stamps and trial. Just for starting in this test you will receive additional points SCHEDULE: - From 8:00 collecting starting packages - From 8:00- 8:55 technical inspection and sealing of cars - 9:00-9:15 briefing - 9:15--\> start - From 13:00-16:00 barbecue available - Until 15:30 arrival at the base, handing over starting numbers and road cards - 16:30 announcement of results and awarding prizes - 17:00 end PARTICIPATION COSTS: The number of places is limited, because 70 crews is our limit. The entry fee per crew (driver \+ co-driver) is PLN 800. The price includes: medical coverage, referee service, prepared legal routes, starter packages, meal for the crew (driver + co-driver), hat and mug (driver + co-driver), stickers and occasional gadgets, prizes for the winners, commemorative film and photos. The price does not include: additional insurance for participants, fuel costs, an additional person in the car costs PLN 100 (meal, hat, mug), ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT: tree strap, tow rope, spare wheel, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, MANDATORY HELMETS FOR EACH CREW MEMBER** ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The crew may consist of a maximum of the number of people for which the car is registered. There must be at least 3 entries in each class for it to take place. NO USE OF KINETIC ROPE WITH METAL SHACKLE, we allow the use of synthetic shackles with kinetics. NO USE OF KINETIC ROPE OR WINCH IN CASE OF BYSTANDERS ARE WITHIN THE RANGE OF A DAMAGED ROPE OR ITS FASTENING ELEMENTS. The main goal of the event is to have fun and promote proper behavior in the field. We do not fight for \"golden pants\". We promote fair play, family atmosphere, and thank the pressure men! During the event, the organizer does not organize assistance in pulling out participants' immobilized or damaged vehicles. Such assistance will be provided after the event ends. When collecting the starting packages, the participant, without being asked, shows (in paper or electronic version) a driving license, registration certificate with a valid technical inspection and current third party liability insurance of the vehicle\ in which he/she is taking part in the event. The participant is obliged to undergo a breath alcohol test, if such a test is ordered by the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to refuse participation in the event to participants, whose vehicle, its technical condition or its equipment differs from that declared during registration, or grossly violates road traffic regulations.

Participants list
participation options:
name: Wpisowe SUVik
price: 800
max spots: 20
name: Wpisowe TERENÓWKA
price: 800
max spots: 40
name: Wpisowe ZMOTKA
price: 800
max spots: 20