Event name: VOUCHER PODARUNKOWY na szkolenie własnym pojazdem
organizer: EROR4X4
category: CAR
registration open: false
start date: Wed Jul 03 2024 07:38:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
location: Piekary Śląskie , Roździeńskiego 2b,
description: 1) Gift voucher worth PLN 350 to be used for any one-day group event organized exclusively by EROR4X4, such as: TRIAL TRAINING, OFF-ROAD TRAINING, TOURIST ROUTE. 2) Gift voucher worth PLN 700 to be used for individual off-road training. It's a minimum of two hours of training behind the wheel of your car on our specially prepared tracks, countless obstacles of varying difficulty, selected by the instructor so as not to damage the vehicle. 3) Gift voucher worth PLN 1,200 to be used for individual off-road training. It's a minimum of three hours of training behind the wheel of your car on our specially prepared tracks, countless obstacles of varying difficulty, selected by the instructor so as not to damage the vehicle. Instruction manual, among others. winch, kinetic rope, hoist. 4) Do you need an individual offer for a special occasion? Call or write 881-363-188, easyoffroadpl\@gmail.com EROR 4x4 training involves overcoming specially prepared obstacles with various surfaces on private, legal areas in Piekary Śląskie and Bytom. We run tourist routes on legal areas, with the consent of their owners. Without scratching the bodywork, melting the door handles, or destroying the cars. We place particular emphasis on ensuring that there is no damage to the cars taking part in training. For those interested, we will point out obstacles\ that can only be crossed on a kinetic bike:) Is someone close to you starting an off-road adventure? Has he bought a car or bought a boulevard and wants to see what he can do? Make him happy and give him our voucher. The trips are training and family in nature - absolutely no pressure. At our events, we do not scratch paint or melt cars, but if the owner of the car expresses such a desire, we will indicate obstacles through which he can only pass on a kinetic bike:) We often host cars straight from the showroom, which remain undamaged after the event. It is the driver who ultimately decides whether he tries to overcome the obstacle or drives past it. We have two huge private areas at our disposal, full of prepared obstacles. Everyone will be able to test their own and their car's capabilities under the supervision of an experienced leader!

Participants list
participation options:
name: Voucher1
price: 439
max spots: 10
name: Voucher2
price: 700
max spots: 10
name: Voucher3
price: 1200
max spots: 10