Event name: GOKARTY 14.10.2024 R.
organizer: EROR4X4
category: CAR
registration open: false
start date: Thu Oct 24 2024 08:30:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
location: 41-902 Bytom, Księdza Jerzego Popiełuszki 1, S-Kart
description: EROR RACING - TRAINING SESSIONS FOR EVERYONE The EROR4X4 team is not just off-road. Our team likes many activities, not only in the field. We also love competing on the go-kart track, but driving in the same group all the time got boring for us. We would also like to compete with you. Try to get a better time than ours. If there is a group of enthusiasts, we will organize a real competition in 2025. in short: WHERE? Bytom ul. Ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki 1 WHEN? second and fourth Thursday of the month at 8:00 p.m. WITH WHAT? Caroli Hammerhead go-karts with a Honda 9HP engine FOR HOW MUCH? 3x10 minutes of driving - PLN 100\/person WHAT DO I NEED? balaclava or your own helmet, e.g. motorcycle helmet Event description: We invite you to regular meetings on the go-kart track. Absolutely loose formula (at least until the end of the year;). A touch of competition, the desire to test yourself in truly racing conditions. Three 10-minute rides with time measurement. Usually the first 10 minutes are training, the next are eliminations and the last - race. It's always about getting the best lap time. Trivially simple, right? A minimum of 6 people are needed for the session to take place. The number of places at each session is limited to 10. Don't delay, sign up today. Planned session dates: 26.09. 2024 r. 8:00 p.m. - took place 10.10. 2024 r. 8:00 p.m. 20:00 - took place 24.10.2024 r. 20:00 - THIS EVENT 14.11.2024 r. 20:00 - registration soon 28.11.2024 r. 20:00 - registration soon Do you have any questions? call 881363188

Participants list
participation options:
name: trening 1 osoba
price: 100
max spots: 10